Schedule 2024

Schedule 2024

This is a draft schedule of the conference events to provide a rough guide for attendees. The schedule was last updated Friday, October 25.

New this year: Sessions will indicate whether they are a “regular” session with 15-minute presentations followed by 5-minute Q&As, or a “panel” session, where presenters will give regular presentations (15 + 5 minutes) first, followed by a joint 30-minute panel at the end of the session between presenting authors with audience Q&A.

All times are in EET (Helsinki, UTC+2)

Thursday, November 14

10:00Shuttle bus to Koli from Joensuu (DC, pre-conference workshop, AY341 flight), arrival at 11:45
11:45Shuttle bus to Koli from Joensuu (InterCity 1 train), arrival at 13:30
11:45Fun activities at Koli for early arrivals
13:30Lunch available upon arrival
14:15Opening session
14:30Session 1 (Regular): Problem Solving and Understanding – Session Chair Ilkka Jormanainen

Eduardo Carneiro de Oliveira, Hieke Keuning and Johan Jeuring: Investigating Student Reasoning in Method-Level Code Refactoring: A Think-Aloud Study

Imke de Jong, Bo Sichterman and Johan Jeuring: Use of Computational Thinking Skills when solving Bebras Tasks: a Think-aloud Study

Joey Bevilacqua, Luca Chiodini, Igor Moreno Santos and Matthias Hauswirth: Assessing the Understanding of Expressions: A Qualitative Study of Notional-Machine-Based Exam Questions
15:45Short break
16:00Session 2: Doctoral Consortium Lightning Talks and Posters – Session Chair Nick Falkner

Chidera Ugo: Mobile Escape Rooms for Learning Programming in Nigerian Higher Institutions

Anastasiia Birillo: Bringing Industry-Grade Code Quality and Practices into Software Engineering Education (Doctoral Consortium)

Naaz Sibia: Enhancing Novice Programmers’ Understanding through Interactive Visualizations and Multiple Representations

Sindre Mathias Strømnes Nordvoll: The Role of Programming in Lower Secondary Math Education in Probability

Lukas Scheppach: Towards an Instrument to Assess K-12 Students’ Conceptions of Machine Learning using Concept Cartoons

Anna Sollazzo: Towards a Theory and Practice of Computing Education in the Digital Humanities

Katrin Kunz: The Association between Computational Thinking and Mental Models in Talented Children (Doctoral Consortium)

Rafael Corsi Ferrao: Teaching Code Quality In Embedded Systems (Doctoral Consortium)
17:30Program ends
18:00Social program: Dr. Nick’s Wine Tasting

Friday, November 15

07:00Breakfast available in the hotel restaurant
09:00Keynote and discussion – Session Chair Juho Leinonen

Lauri Malmi: 24 years of Koli Calling – reflections on the conference and the development of computing education research as a research field
10:15Short break
10:30Session 3 (Regular): Student Conceptions – Session Chair Hieke Keuning

Marco Hartmann, Michael Hielscher and Eva Marinus: Prevalence of Programming Misconceptions in Primary School Students

Marko Schmellenkamp, Dennis Stanglmair, Tilman Michaeli and Thomas Zeume: Exploring Error Types in Formal Languages Among Students of Upper Secondary Education

Tina Vrieler: Applying the Computer Science Capital Framework to Understand Factors Facilitating Children’s Decision to Participate in Code Clubs

Bostjan Bubnic, Željko Kovačević and Tomaž Kosar: Can metacognition predict your success in solving problems? An exploratory case study in programming
13:00Session 4 (Panel): Generative AI – Session Chair Otto Seppälä

Hieke Keuning, Isaac Alpizar-Chacon, Ioanna Lykourentzou, Lauren Beehler, Christian Köppe, Imke De Jong and Sergey Sosnovsky: Students’ Perceptions and Use of Generative AI Tools for Programming Across Different Computing Courses

Kai Korpimies, Antti Laaksonen and Matti Luukkainen: Unrestricted Use of LLMs in a Software Project Course: Student Perceptions on Learning and Impact on Course Performance

Matin Amoozadeh, Daye Nam, Daniel Prol, Ali Alfageeh, James Prather, Michael Hilton, Sruti Srinivasa Ragavan and Mohammad Amin Alipour: Student-AI Interaction: A Case Study of CS1 students
14:30Short break
14:45Session 5 (Regular): Learning Analytics – Session Chair Miranda Parker

Fabian Pfütsch and Frank Höppner: Estimating and Differentiating Programming Skills from Unstructured Coding Exercises via Matrix Factorization

Erkki Kaila, Leo Leppänen, Matti Luukkainen and Kjell Lemström: Flowthrough Analysis on Student Intake Paths

Cyrille Jegourel, Jung Yi Ong, Oka Kurniawan, Lim Meng Shin and Kushat Chitluru: Sieving Coding Assignments Over Submissions Generated by AI and Novice Programmers

Elizaveta Artser, Anastasiia Birillo, Yaroslav Golubev, Maria Tigina, Hieke Keuning, Nikolay Vyahhi and Timofey Bryksin: Clustering MOOC Programming Solutions to Diversify Their Presentation to Students
16:15Program ends
16:30Social program: Koli Relax Spa

Saturday, November 16

07:30Breakfast available in the hotel restaurant
09:00Session 6 (Regular): Teaching Tools – Session Chair Leo Leppänen

Patric Feldmeier, Gordon Fraser, Ute Heuer, Florian Obermüller and Siegfried Steckenbiller: A Block-Based Testing Framework for Scratch

Marten van den Berg, Bastiaan Heeren and Ebrahim Rahimi: Parsons Problems for Equivalence Proofs in Logic

Maximilian Georg Barth, Sverrir Thorgeirsson and Zhendong Su: A Direct Manipulation Programming Environment for Teaching Introductory and Advanced Software Testing

Anastasiia Birillo, Elizaveta Artser, Anna Potriasaeva, Ilya Vlasov, Katsiaryna Dzialets, Yaroslav Golubev, Igor Gerasimov, Hieke Keuning and Timofey Bryksin: One Step at a Time: Combining LLMs and Static Analysis to Generate Next-Step Hints for Programming Tasks
10:30Short break
10:45Session 7 (Panel): Teaching Approaches – Session Chair Brian Dorn

Noah Cowit and Lecia Barker: Designing for Interdisciplinary Transfer to Reduce Intrinsic Cognitive Load, Increase Self-Efficacy, and Promote Conceptual Understanding in Introductory Programming

Miranda Parker, James Marsh, Anna Nguyen, Chloe Salazar and Garen Vehouni: The Effect (or Lack Thereof) of Spatial Skills Training in a Mid-Major Computing Course

Maximilian Sölch, Markus Paulsen and Stephan Krusche: Transforming Computer-Based Exams with BYOD: An Empirical Study
13:15Social program: Koli Calling Nature walk / free time for discussions
15:00Session 8: Posters (including afternoon coffee) – Session Chair Andreas Mühling

Alexandra Vassar, Jake Renzella, Emily Ross and Andrew Taylor: Fine-Tuning Large Language Models for Better Programming Error Explanations

Nickolas Falkner and Rebecca Vivian: The “Koli DC”: Towards Improving the Effectiveness of Doctoral Consortia

Mustafa Mohammed and Maria Knobelsdorf: Crossing the Boundaries of Computer Science: Exploring Disciplinary Integration

Nickolas Falkner and Rebecca Vivian: Thinking Beyond the Familiar with the Research Alternatives Exercise

Martijn Stegeman and Kim Koomen: Terra: a cloud-free browser-based IDE for teaching

Naaz Sibia, Valeria Ramirez Osorio, Angela Zavaleta Bernuy, Efthimia Aivaloglou, Rutwa Engineer, Andrew Petersen, Michael Liut and Carolina Nobre: Exploring the Impact of Multiple Representations in Introductory Programming: A Pilot Study

Siegfried Steckenbiller, Patric Feldmeier, Gordon Fraser, Ute Heuer and Florian Obermüller: Introducing Block-Based Testing in Scratch

Joyce Mahon, Brett A. Becker, Brian MacNamee and Juho Leinonen: Post Primary Teachers’ Perspectives on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the Leaving Certificate Computer Science Curriculum

Hieke Keuning, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Claudia Ott, Andrew Petersen and Natalie Kiesler: Goodbye Hello World – Research Questions for a Future CS1 Curriculum
16:00Session 9 (Panel): New Didactic Approaches – Session Chair Lauri Malmi

Anna Sollazzo and Quintin Cutts: Towards a Theory of Humanistic Computing and How to Teach It

Lukas Höper and Carsten Schulte: New Perspectives on the Future of Computing Education: Teaching and Learning Explanatory Models
17:15Closing discussion
17:30Program ends
17:45Program committee meeting
19:00Dinner and awards
21:00Social program: Sauna available until 23:00 (split 1 hr for women, 1 hr for men)

Sunday, November 17

Early bus

06:30Complete check-out and boarding to the early bus
07:00Early bus departs to Joensuu for InterCity 6 at 9:00
08:30Early bus arrival to the Joensuu Railway Station
09:00InterCity 6 train departs from Joensuu

Late bus

07:30Breakfast available in the hotel restaurant
09:30Complete check-out and boarding to the late bus
10:00Late bus departs to Joensuu for InterCity 8 at 12:11
11:30Late bus arrival to the Joensuu Railway Station
12:11InterCity 8 train departs from Joensuu
18:35AY346 flight departs from Joensuu

Online Program

The online program this year is asynchronous. Please find links to presentation videos on the conference Discord (link to the Discord has been emailed to registered participants). Below is the list of papers and posters/demos presented online.

Online papers

Nicole Ude, Gia Minh Vo and Nils Pancratz“Like a Real Human with Much More Knowledge” – A Phenomenon-oriented Investigation of Pre-instructional Conceptions in the Context of Artificial Intelligence
Ethel Tshukudu, Emma R. Dodoo, Felienne Hermans and Monkgogi MudongoBilingual Programming: A Study of Student Attitudes and Experiences in the African Context
Yana Malysheva, Caitlin Kelleher and Barbara EricsonInterrelation between Teaching Assistants’ debugging strategies and adherence to sound tutoring practices during office hours
Morteza Moalagh, Syed Sajid Hussain, Babak A. Farshchian and Samrawit G. SelassieWhich teamwork challenges do computing students face in a project-based learning course in research methods?
Aubrey Lawson and Eileen KraemerExample Output: A Sequentialist Rabbit Hole for Students Solving Concurrent Problems
Minji Kong, Owen He, Matthew Louis Mauriello and Lori Pollock“Anything That Can Be Streamlined Would Be Great”: Validating Elementary School Teachers’ Preferences for a Block-Based Programming Teaching Augmentation System
Moritz Kreinsen, Anna Rabe, Finja Grospietsch and Sandra SchulzLeveraging Conceptual Change regarding Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science Education
Samiha Marwan, Nicki Choquette, Veronica Catete and Briana MorrisonExploring Novices’ Problem-Solving Strategies in Computing and Math Domains

Online posters/demos

Natalie Kiesler, Ingo Scholz, Jens Albrecht, Friedhelm Stappert and Uwe WienkopNovice Learners of Programming and Generative AI – Prior Knowledge Matters
Mareen Grillenberger and Andreas GrillenbergerCollecting Research Data in Educational Escape Rooms
Bruno Pereira Cipriano, Miguel Silva, Rodrigo Correia and Pedro AlvesTowards the Integration of Large Language Models and Automatic Assessment Tools: Enhancing Student Support in Programming Assignments